Monday, May 2, 2016

Swann Vs. The Board Moot Court

I found it interesting how they (Swann) argued about the separate but equal exercise clause in which people should be on the same buses. Thus, it will be integration through forced bussing to eliminate segregation and pave the way for the 14th Amendment's intent to have a world with desegregation. On the other hand however, I found it interesting that The Board appealed to an emotional aspect and essentially raised to the black perspective in that congregating black and white people together will only increase racism. They argue that it will increase racial tensions and raise the rate of violence rather than lowering the amount that black people are hated upon. The Board also interestingly argued in the cost benefit analysis aspect in that it would be a lot more money for both black and whites to interact in schools. They continued that education is the number one priority for a student and combining races in the education system would only disrupt their learning experience, another interesting argument.

The in favor side of desegregation, Swann, continued that this in direct violation of the 14th Amendment and that by congregating races together then there can be a society where people can live free, as they deserve and have the right to, as well as get along. Furthermore, Swann seemed to have taken a more lawful side to this argument. They closed that Swann wanted them to change their desegregation because they should through a moral motion, because it was right. Swann appealed to the human aspect of this argument which is near undeniable to win.